-Opera is music that produces more emotions such as rage and love
-History of opera is stained with blood of the revolutions
-Henry V got married and two of the guests in the wedding had the innovative idea of singing opera, both had a dream that night of having the opportunity of repeating that occasion
-Medicci and Consagas were two high class families that helped immensely with the development of the arts
-Lord Farer was the first big and brilliant opera which it is about a man trying to have her lovely deceased wife back, it was designed by Monteverdi
-Small boys used to have the most incredibly high pitched voice, little kids were searched upon to look for the best singers and were usually castrated to they can keep their infant, high pitched voice.
-Monteverdi had a hidden special room to perform only for the Duke.
-Emperor Joseph wan another man in power that was very interested in the storytelling of the operas
Great condensation!